Permanent Conservation Easements of Loudoun County recent views
Loudoun County, Virginia —
A conservation easement restricts the use or development of real property for any of the following purposes:· Retaining or protecting natural or open-space values of... -
Loudoun Conservation Easements recent views
Loudoun County, Virginia —
Data Updated: Quarterly MetadataA conservation easement restricts the use or development of real property for the following reasons: -Retaining or protecting natural... -
Prime Soils within the AR Zoning Districts recent views
Loudoun County, Virginia —
The purpose of the Cluster Subdivision Regulations Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOAM-2020-0002) is to improve the design of and guide future clustered residential... -
Conservation easements in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota: characteristics of wetland catchments and key factors for determination of drainage setback distances recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data release includes characteristics of wetland catchments associated with U.S. Fish and Wildlife conservation easement lands located in the Prairie Pothole...