Total Energy Data and Statistics recent views
Department of Energy —
Comprehensive monthly and annual time series on all energy sources. Data on production, consumption, reserves, stocks, prices, imports, and exports. Monthly time... -
Collection Coal Data Collection recent views
Department of Energy —
International and domestic data on coal production, consumption, prices, reserves, stocks, imports, exports, distribution, and transportation rates. Weekly, monthly,... -
Collection International Energy Data - Coal recent views
Department of Energy —
This API provides international data on coal production. Data organized by country. Users of the EIA API are required to obtain an API Key via this registration form:... -
Collection International Energy Data - All Energy recent views
Department of Energy —
This API provides international data on energy sources (e.g., coal, electricity, natural gas, petroleum, coal, renewables) and activities (e.g., consumption, imports,... -
Energy Data and Statistics from U.S. States recent views
Department of Energy —
State-level data on all energy sources. Data on production, consumption, reserves, stocks, prices, imports, and exports. Data are collated from state-specific data... -
Collection Coal Production by MSHA ID recent views
Department of Energy —
Data on U.S mining operation (i.e., operation name, mailing address, telephone number, State and county of operation, etc.), annual coal production, code definitions,... -
Energy Analysis & Projections recent views
Department of Energy —
Monthly and yearly forecasts of energy production, consumption, and price at the national level and by energy type. Monthly forecasts extend 18 months and yearly... -
State Energy Data System (SEDS) Application Programming Interface (API) recent views
Department of Energy —
State-level data on all energy sources. Data include production, consumption, reserves, stocks, prices, imports, and exports. Data are collated from state-specific... -
MSHA Operator Employment and Production Dataset - Yearly recent views
Department of Labor —
Contains the annual summation of employee hours and coal production reported by mine operators where the average quarterly employment is greater than zero with... -
MSHA Operator Employment and Production Data Set - Quarterly recent views
Department of Labor —
Contains employment and coal production reported by mine operators for each quarter in a calendar year, by subunit and mine ID. The subunit code identifies the... -
Mine Injury and Worktime Quarterly Reports recent views
Department of Labor —
Part 50 Report: Number of Fatal Injuries Operator and contractor injury data by type of coal mined/mineral industry, work location, State (operator only), and... -
Coal Production recent views
Department of Labor —
Coal Production - Closed Years Only Data Starting: 2012 By Calendar Year, Mine Type