Climatic controls on the global distribution, abundance, and species richness of mangrove forests recent views
Department of the Interior —
MethodsStudy area: Our initial study area included the entire globe. We began with a seamless grid of cells with a resolution of 0.5 degrees (i.e., ~50 km at the... -
Cell data - Linear and nonlinear effects of temperature and precipitation on ecosystem properties in tidal saline wetlands recent views
Department of the Interior —
Macroclimatic drivers, such as temperature and rainfall regimes, greatly influence ecosystem structure and function in tidal saline wetlands. Understanding the... -
Linear and nonlinear effects of temperature and precipitation on ecosystem properties in tidal saline wetlands recent views
Department of the Interior —
Macroclimatic drivers, such as temperature and rainfall regimes, greatly influence ecosystem structure and function in tidal saline wetlands. Understanding the... -
Point data - Linear and nonlinear effects of temperature and precipitation on ecosystem properties in tidal saline wetlands recent views
Department of the Interior —
Macroclimatic drivers, such as temperature and rainfall regimes, greatly influence ecosystem structure and function in tidal saline wetlands. Understanding the...