Records About Japanese Americans Relocated During World War II recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
This series contains personal descriptive data about Japanese Americans evacuated from the states of Washington, Oregon, and California to ten relocation centers... -
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Enforcement Activities recent views
Department of Justice —
This collection of documents includes Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Briefs, Complaints, Consent Decrees, Settlement Agreements, and Letters of Findings -
Weekly notice of activity under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act recent views
Department of Justice —
This weekly report provides information about voting changes, submissions, notices, responses to/from the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division under Section 5... -
Section 508 Tools, Resources, Surveys, and Reports recent views
Department of Justice —
This collection of documents includes Section 508 Surveys and Reports, technical assistance information including the law and regulations, Section 508 Standards, and... -
Americans with Disabilities Act Project Civic Access recent views
Department of Justice —
This collection of documents includes Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) settlement agreements with counties, cities, towns and villages