Rock-eval pyrolysis, vitrinite reflectance, and kerogen microscopy results from Miocene carbonaceous mudstones and coals in outcrop, McGrath Quadrangle, southwestern Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
The Cenozoic Holitna basin is a gravity-defined feature that sits astride the Denali-Farewell fault zone in southwestern Alaska. The basin corresponds to a gravity... -
Zircon U-Pb age data, Alaska Highway Corridor, Tanacross and Nabesna quadrangles, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Twenty-two igneous and metamorphic rock samples were collected in a 20-km-long swath centered on the Alaska Highway between Tetlin Junction, Alaska, and the Canada... -
Results of leaching experiments on 12 energy-related shales from the United States recent views
Department of the Interior —
Inorganic compositions of flowback and co-produced waters from hydrocarbon extraction have been studied directly and through laboratory experiments that seek to... -
Geochemistry of Utica Shale Play and other Appalachian produced waters recent views
Department of the Interior —
Citation Note: These data were collected as part of a research study published in Environmental Science and Technology. Please reference the following paper when... -
Geologic Map of the Eastern Half of the McGrath Quadrangle, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
This map is a compilation of previously unpublished and published data, as well as from updated field mapping. This publication offers a 1:125,000-scale map sheet... -
Geologic Map of the Siksikpuk River Area, Chandler Lake Quadrangle, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
During 2004 and 2005 DGGS Energy Section geologists, together with University of Alaska Fairbanks and USGS personnel, conducted 1:63,360-scale geologic mapping in the... -
Derivative Map of the Geologic Materials and Hazards in the Eastern Half McGrath Quadrangle, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
This map illustrates the potential near-surface sources of various geologic materials that may be useful for construction. Field observations indicate that each... -
Geologic map of the Tanana B-1 quadrangle, central Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
This report provides detailed (1:63,360-scale) mapping of the Tanana B-1 Quadrangle (250 square miles; equivalent to four 7.5 minute quadrangles). The area is part of... -
Bedrock geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
This map is the result of field investigations by DGGS in 1997 and 1998. This geologic map and report supersede the previously released Public Data File 99-24B,... -
Major-oxide and trace-element geochemistry of mafic rocks in the Carboniferous Lisburne Group, Ivishak River area, northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
The Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, in collaboration with the University of Alaska Fairbanks, collected mafic rocks in the Ivishak River area... -
Geologic map of the Siksikpuk River area, Chandler Lake Quadrangle, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Preliminary Interpretive Report 2007-1, Geologic map of the Siksikpuk River area, Chandler Lake Quadrangle, Alaska, 1:63,360-scale geologic mapping in the Siksikpuk... -
U-Pb zircon geochronology and whole rock geochemistry data for Auminzatau and Kuldjuktau mountains, Kyzylkum desert, Uzbekistan recent views
Department of the Interior —
These U-Pb zircon geochronology and whole rock geochemistry data were collected as part of a bilateral campaign of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) with the... -
Geologic map of the Tanana A-1 and A-2 quadrangles, central Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
This report provides detailed (1:63,360-scale) mapping of the Tanana A-1 and A-2 quadrangles (500 square miles; equivalent to eight 7.5-minute quadrangles). The area... -
Geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
This map is the result of field investigations by DGGS in 1997 and 1998. This geologic map and report supersede the previously released Public Data File 99-24B,...