Data from: Microarray analysis of subcutaneous adipose tissue from mature cows with divergent body weight gain after feed restriction and realimentation recent views
Department of Agriculture —
Body weight response to periods of feed restriction and realimentation is critical and relevant to the agricultural industry. The purpose of this study was to... -
Liver steatosis study_PFAA treated Wild type and PPAR KO mouse data recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Data set 1 consists of the experimental data for the Wild Type and PPAR KO animal study and includes data used to prepare Figures 1-4 and Table 1 of the Das et al,... -
Black Oystercatcher Morphology and Primary Feather Lengths in Alaska and British Columbia, 2019-2022 recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data provide morphological measurements and primary feather length measurements of Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) captured at several sites across...