Bedrock geology of the Arabian Peninsula and selected adjacent areas (geo2bg) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The data set for this coverage includes arcs, polygons, and polygon labels that outline and describe the general geologic age and type of bedrock of the Arabian... -
Geologic Provinces of the Arabian Peninsula and adjacent areas, 2000 (prv2bg) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set includes arcs, polygons, and polygon labels for geologic and petroleum provinces interpreted and designated by R.M. Pollastro based on numerous... -
Yale stocks and flows database (YSTAFDB) describing anthropogenic materials cycles, recycling, and criticality for 102 materials on spatial scales ranging from suburbs to global and timescales from the early 1800s to circa 2013 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data release presents the Yale stocks and flows database (YSTAFDB). Its data describe the use of 102 materials from the early 1800s to circa 2013 through...