DOHMH New York City Restaurant Inspection Results recent views
City of New York —
The dataset contains every sustained or not yet adjudicated violation citation from every full or special program inspection conducted up to three years prior to the... -
Workload and Adjudication Statistics recent views
Department of Justice —
Workload and Adjudication Statistics -
License Revocations, Suspensions, Surrenders, and Reinstatements recent views
City of New York —
NOTE: This dataset reflects data as of 7/21/2023. The Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) is working on an updated version of this dataset. This... -
Adjudication Enforcement Detailed Hearings Data for the Office of Business and External Services recent views
City of New Orleans —
A dataset of all enforcement hearings against parcels within six adjudication departments - Code Enforcement, Alcohol Beverage Outlets (ABO), Historic District and... -
vHelp MI recent views
Social Security Administration —
Collects information from Field office managers and subject matter experts with regards to policy questions and resolutions. -
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) -Data & Statistics recent views
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services —
The VICP program publishes a summary PDF report with several data tables: Number of Petitions Filed by Adjudication Categories by Alleged Vaccine, including # of... -
AG/BIA Precedent Decisions recent views
Department of Justice —
Data related to the adjudication of immigration cases in front of the Office of the Chief Immigration Judge (OCIJ) and Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA). This data... -
Adjudication Enforcement Fines and Fees Data for the Office of Business and External Services recent views
City of New Orleans —
A dataset of fines and fees levied in Adjudication hearings for cases in Code Enforcement, Alcohol Beverage Outlets (ABO), Historic District and Landmarks Commission... -
BSEE Data Center - Scanned Adjudication Files Query recent views
Department of the Interior —
Scanned Adjudication Files Query - You can now request these same well files, well logs, and well data as a free download through the File Request System (... -
OCAHO Adjudication Data recent views
Department of Justice —
Data related to the adjudication of employer sanctions, immigration-related unemployment practices, and document fraud cases in front of Office of the Chief... -
Adjudication Enforcement Cases for the Office of Business and External Services recent views
City of New Orleans —
A dataset of all enforcement cases against parcels within six adjudication departments - Code Enforcement, Alcohol Beverage Outlets (ABO), Historic District and... -
SSA Unified Measurement System (SUMS) Title XVI Initial Claims Operational Data Store (SUMS T16 IC ODS) recent views
Social Security Administration —
Current store for information on initial claims from submission to adjudication in title 16. -
Legacy Title XVI Initial Claims Operational Data Store (Legacy T16 IC ODS) recent views
Social Security Administration —
Legacy storage of information on initial claims from submission to adjudication in title 16.