Motor Vehicle Use Map: Roads (Feature Layer) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The feature class indicates the specific types of motorized vehicles allowed on the designated routes and their seasons of use. The feature class is designed to be... -
Roads 2021 recent views
District of Columbia —
Road edges are defined as the edge of the improved surface including the improved shoulder but do not include the unimproved shoulder, only the travel part of the... -
Rocky Mountain National Park Road GIS Dataset recent views
Department of the Interior —
A GIS dataset of roads within and around Rocky Mountain National Park. -
Motor Vehicle Use Map: Trails (Feature Layer) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The feature class indicates the specific types of motorized vehicles allowed on the designated routes and their seasons of use. The feature class is designed to be... -
Grand Canyon National Park Road GIS Dataset recent views
Department of the Interior —
Roads data are intended to be used for a variety of mapping, resource management, planning, and analysis applications. -
BLM AK Wind/Solar LUA recent views
Department of the Interior —
The land use authorization dataset includes the following authorization types: communication sites, facility/site, fiber optics/telephone, lease/permit, pipeline,... -
Roads recent views
District of Columbia —
Road edges are defined as the edge of the improved surface including the improved shoulder but do not include the unimproved shoulder, only the travel part of the... -
Edge of Pavement recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Download In State Plane Projection Here. The pavement boundaries were traced from aerial photography taken between March 15th, 2018 and April 25th, 2018. This dataset... -
Connecticut Road recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut Roads and Trails is 1:24,000-scale base map data. It depicts the location of all roads and trails published on the USGS topographic quadrangle maps. For... -
BLM AK Communication Site LUA recent views
Department of the Interior —
The land use authorization dataset includes the following authorization types: communication sites, facility/site, fiber optics/telephone, lease/permit, pipeline,... -
Hidden Roads recent views
District of Columbia —
Roads. The dataset contains polygons representing planimetric roads, created as part of the DC Geographic Information System (DC GIS) for the D.C. Office of the Chief... -
BLM Colorado Routes recent views
Department of the Interior —
BLM Colorado Roads and Trails on BLM managed lands. This data uses the national BLM Ground Transportation Linear Features (GTLF) standard allowing for the capture of... -
SSWP Recreation Resources recent views
State of California —
The SSWP Recreation Resources Study is one of many relicensing documents for the South SWP (SSWP) Hydropower Project Number 2426. The California Department of Water... -
Connecticut Routes recent views
State of Connecticut —
It is derived from the Connecticut Route Segments layer, which is based on spatial information from the U.S. Bureau of Census that was published for Connecticut by... -
BLM AK Railroad LUA recent views
Department of the Interior —
The land use authorization dataset includes the following authorization types: communication sites, facility/site, fiber optics/telephone, lease/permit, pipeline,... -
BLM AK Power Transmission LUA recent views
Department of the Interior —
The land use authorization dataset includes the following authorization types: communication sites, facility/site, fiber optics/telephone, lease/permit, pipeline,... -
BLM AK Facility/Site LUA recent views
Department of the Interior —
The land use authorization dataset includes the following authorization types: communication sites, facility/site, fiber optics/telephone, lease/permit, pipeline,... -
BLM Colorado Electric Mountain Bikes Allowed Routes recent views
Department of the Interior —
BLM Colorado Roads and Trails on BLM managed lands. This data uses the national BLM Ground Transportation Linear Features (GTLF) standard allowing for the capture of... -
BLM AK Fiber Optics/Telephone LUA recent views
Department of the Interior —
The land use authorization dataset includes the following authorization types: communication sites, facility/site, fiber optics/telephone, lease/permit, pipeline,... -
BLM AK Road LUA recent views
Department of the Interior —
The land use authorization dataset includes the following authorization types: communication sites, facility/site, fiber optics/telephone, lease/permit, pipeline,...