Enterprise Human Resources Integration (EHRI) Payroll recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
The goal for Payroll Data Feed is to securely acquire pay data for all Federal Civilian employees by leveraging existing data extraction processes to the extent... -
Enterprise Human Resources Integration (EHRI) Training recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
The goal for the Training Data Feed is to securely acquire training data for Federal civilian employees. The collection of training data supports OPM's Government-... -
Enterprise Human Resources Integration (EHRI) Status recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
A record of each employee's personnel data as of the ending date of a calendar month. Status data submissions consist of all active employees (whether in a pay or... -
Enterprise Human Resources Integration (EHRI) Dynamics recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
Contains the personnel actions that have been processed for employees during a bi-weekly reporting period.