BOBr Processed Breaking Wave Data, Agate Beach, OR recent views
Department of Energy —
This data was recorded by the BOBr (Buoy to Observe Breaking) off the coast of Newport, OR at Agate Beach in the surf zone. The data was recorded by a 9dof inertial... -
Underwater Mapping Results for Seabotix vLBV300 Vehicle with Tritech Gemini 720i Imaging Sonar near Newport, OR recent views
Department of Energy —
This document presents results from tests to demonstrate underwater mapping capabilities of an underwater vehicle in conditions typically found in marine renewable... -
BOBr Raw Breaking Wave Data, Agate Beach, OR recent views
Department of Energy —
Raw data from the BOBr (Buoy to Observe Breaking) wave measurement buoy. Data was recorded off the coast of Newport, OR at Agate Beach, in the surf zone. -
ALFA Station Keeping Results for Seabotix vLBV300 Underwater Vehicle near Newport, OR recent views
Department of Energy —
This data set presents results testing the station keeping abilities of a tethered Seabotix vLBV300 underwater vehicle equipped with an inertial navigation system....