Evaluation of the Children at Risk Program in Austin, Texas, Bridgeport, Connecticut, Memphis, Tennessee, Savannah, Georgia, and Seattle, Washington, 1993-1997 recent views
Department of Justice —
The Children at Risk (CAR) Program was a comprehensive, neighborhood-based strategy for preventing drug use, delinquency, and other problem behaviors among high-risk... -
Improving the Success of Reentry Programs: Identifying the Impact of Service-Need Fit on Recidivism in 14 States, 2004-2011 recent views
Department of Justice —
These data are part of NACJD's Fast Track Release and are distributed as they were received from the data depositor. The files have been zipped by NACJD for release,... -
Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI) Multi-site Impact Evaluation, 2004-2011 [United States] recent views
Department of Justice —
The Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI) funded agencies to develop programs to improve criminal justice, employment, education, health, and... -
Divorce Mediation and Domestic Violence in the United States, 1993 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study gathered data on policies and procedures for identifying domestic violence issues among divorcing couples and examined divorce mediation practices and... -
Neuropsychological and Emotional Deficits as Predictors of Correctional Treatment Response in Maryland, 2003-2005 recent views
Department of Justice —
The study was designed to elucidate underlying neuropsychological and emotional regulatory mechanisms in variable responses to a cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)... -
Evaluation of the Impact of Innovative Policing Programs on Social Disorder in Seven Cities in the United States, 1983-1990 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study was designed to permit a "meta-evaluation" of the impact of alternative policing programs on social disorder. Examples of social disorder include bands of... -
Evaluating the Impact of Alternative Placement Programs for Juveniles in a Southwestern State, 1983-1995: [United States] recent views
Department of Justice —
This study addressed the question of whether alternative correctional programs were more effective than traditional training schools in reducing recidivism among... -
Evaluation of the Target Corporation's Safe City Initiative in Chula Vista, California, and Cincinnati, Ohio, 2004-2008 recent views
Department of Justice —
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the implementation of the Safe City crime prevention model that was implemented in designated retail areas in jurisdictions... -
Evaluation of the Elder Abuse Training Program in Massachusetts, 1993-1995 recent views
Department of Justice —
These data were collected to evaluate the Elder Protection Project in Massachusetts, sponsored by the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office and funded by the... -
Evaluation of the Bureau of Justice Assistance Sexual Assault Kit Initiative, United States, 2018 recent views
Department of Justice —
Since 2015, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has funded sites to engage in reforms intended to improve the national response to sexual assault cases. The goals... -
Multisite Evaluation of Shock Incarceration: [Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas], 1987-1992 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study analyzes shock incarceration (boot camp) programs in Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas. In each state, offenders... -
Pretrial Home Detention with Electronic Monitoring: An Evaluation in Marion County, Indiana, 1988-1989 recent views
Department of Justice —
For this data collection a pretrial home detention program in Marion County, Indiana, that relied on electronic monitoring of clients was subjected to a... -
Evaluation of Boot Camps for Juvenile Offenders in Cleveland, Denver, and Mobile, 1992-1993 recent views
Department of Justice —
Boot camps, a popular alternative to standard correctional facilities, are characterized by a strong emphasis on military structure, drill, and discipline and by an... -
Effect of Prison Based Alcohol Treatment: Treatment and Recidivism Data from Montana, Ohio, and Texas, 2006-2012 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study evaluated program design, quality of treatment delivery, and program effectiveness of three separate state sponsored alcohol specific treatment programs in... -
National Study of Innovative and Promising Programs for Women Offenders, 1994-1995 recent views
Department of Justice —
The purpose of this study was to conduct a national-scale evaluation of correctional facilities housing female offenders in order to assess the effectiveness of... -
Evaluation of the Iowa State Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program, 1998-1999 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study sought (1) to set up a system to evaluate the operations and effectiveness of The Other Way (TOW) residential substance abuse treatment program at the... -
Impact Evaluation of Youth Crime Watch Programs in Three Florida School Districts, 1997-2007 recent views
Department of Justice —
The purpose of this study was to assess both the school-level effects and the participant-level effects of Youth Crime Watch (YCW) programs. Abt Associates conducted... -
Evaluation of the Focused Offender Disposition Program in Birmingham, Phoenix, and Chicago, 1988-1992 recent views
Department of Justice —
The Drug Testing Technology/Focused Offender Disposition (FOD) program was designed to examine two issues regarding drug users in the criminal justice system: (1) the... -
Evaluation of Services to Domestic Minor Victims of Human Trafficking; 2011-2013 recent views
Department of Justice —
These data are part of NACJD's Fast Track Release and are distributed as they were received from the data depositor. The files have been zipped by NACJD for release,... -
Modern Policing and the Control of Illegal Drugs: Testing New Strategies in Oakland, California, and Birmingham, Alabama, 1987-1989 recent views
Department of Justice —
These data were collected in Oakland, California, and Birmingham, Alabama, to examine the effectiveness of alternative drug enforcement strategies. A further...