BLM Natl MLRS Oil and Gas Leases recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset contains oil and gas leases cases derived from Legal Land Descriptions (LLD) contained in the US Bureau of Land Management's, BLM, Mineral and Land... -
BLM Natl AIM Riparian and Wetland Indicators Hub recent views
Department of the Interior —
This feature class includes monitoring data collected nationally to understand the status, condition, and trend of resources on BLM lands. Data are collected in... -
BLM Natl NLCS National Monuments National Conservation Areas Polygons recent views
Department of the Interior —
This polygon feature class represents the spatial extent and boundaries of the BLM National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) National Monuments, National... -
BLM UT Recreation Sites (Polygon) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The layers within this feature service represent the spatial extent and boundaries of BLM recreation sites in Utah. The general types of recreation point features... -
BLM Colorado Grazing Allotments recent views
Department of the Interior —
The purpose of this polygon feature class is to show BLM Colorado Grazing Allotments, which are areas of land designated and managed for grazing of livestock. It may... -
BLM Natl MLRS Mining Claims -Closed recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset contains mining claim cases with the case disposition (status) of closed from US Bureau of Land Management's, BLM, Mineral and Land Record System(MLRS).... -
BLM ID Ground Transportation Linear Features recent views
Department of the Interior —
Formerly published as TRANS_NOC_GTLF_PUB_UNK_LINE This standard houses linear features on BLM lands as well as transportation features that provide access to BLM... -
BLM WY Public Land Survey System Second Division recent views
Department of the Interior —
The second division of the PLSS is quarter, quarter-quarter, sixteenth or government lot division of the PLSS within the BLM Administrative State of Wyoming. The... -
BLM AK Land Use Planning Area (Current) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This layer represents the boundaries for existing and in-progress BLM Land Use Planning Area (LUPA) polygons. Land Use Planning Areas are geographic areas within... -
BLM WY Public Land Survey System Township recent views
Department of the Interior —
In the Public Land Survey System a Township refers to a unit of land, that is nominally six miles on a side, usually containing 36 sections within the BLM... -
BLM Natl MLRS Oil and Gas Agreements recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset contains oil and gas agreements cases derived from Legal Land Descriptions (LLD) contained in the US Bureau of Land Management's, BLM, Mineral and Land... -
BLM Colorado Wild Horse and Burro Herd Areas recent views
Department of the Interior —
This feature class represents the spatial extent and boundaries for Wild Horse and Burro Herd Areas in BLM Colorado. The Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of... -
BLM NM Wild Horse and Burro Herd Areas recent views
Department of the Interior —
This polygon feature class represents the spatial extent and boundaries for BLM Wild Horse and Burro Herd Area polygons. BLM Wild Horse and Burro Herd Areas have been... -
BLM CO Oil and Gas Potential recent views
Department of the Interior —
Oil and gas occurrence potential areas within the state of Colorado for BLM Planning purposes -
BLM AK Federal Mining Claims (CEU - BLM Land) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set depicts the non-surveyed boundaries of active (recorded or interim) and closed federal mining claims within the State of Alaska. Each mining claim is... -
BLM ID Surface Management Agency recent views
Department of the Interior —
This spatial data contains Surface Management Agency (SMA, also sometimes called Land Status) information for Idaho from the Idaho Bureau of Land Management (BLM).... -
Department of the Interior —
This data represents the GIS Version of the Public Land Survey System including both rectangular and non-rectangular survey data. The rectangular survey data are a... -
BLM Natl AIM TerrADat Hub recent views
Department of the Interior —
This feature class includes monitoring data collected nationally to understand the status, condition, and trend of resources on BLM lands. Data are collected in... -
BLM AK Protracted Section recent views
Department of the Interior —
Township and section boundaries were generated from geodetic latitude and longitude coordinate pairs as recorded on BLM's official protraction diagrams of the state... -
BLM CA Grazing Allotments recent views
Department of the Interior —
This polygon feature class represents the spatial extent and boundaries for BLM Grazing Allotments. This state dataset may have published a dataset that is more...