NASA Disasters Mapping Portal recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This entry does not contain data itself, it is for the website, the NASA Disasters Mapping Portal: https://maps.disasters.nasa.gov The Disasters Mapping Portal... -
GIBS Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
The WMTS implementation standard provides a standards-based solution for serviing digital maps using predefined image tiles. Through the constructs of the... -
SSC 4D Orbit Viewer Web Services API at the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This API allows any web application to offer an interactive 4D display of the trajectories of satellites known to SSCweb (Satellite Situation Center). The Space... -
Landsat 2000 recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
Landsat.org, an affiliate of the Tropical Rain Forest Information Center (TRFIC), now hosts the Global Orthorectified Landsat Datasets for four epochs: 1970's MSS,... -
PDS Planetary Maps API recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
We are developing a set of NASA Extensions to the Google Maps API—and soon to other frameworks such as OpenLayers as well—that will make these platforms more useful... -
Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature: Moon: 1:10 million-scale Shaded Relief and Color-coded Topography: Far Side recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
These lunar maps display the four different areas of the moon with color-coded topography in low and high resolution approved by the International Astronomical Union... -
Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature: Moon: 1:1 million-scale maps of the Moon recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
The purpose of the lunar maps is to provide an up-to-date and comprehensive depiction on lunar nomenclature approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). -
GIBS Tiled Web Mapping Service (TWMS) recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
The TWMS specification is a custom extension to the OGS WMS standard developed by the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Similar to the OGC WMTS specification, TWMS... -
SSC RESTful Web Services API at the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
The Satellite Situation Center (SSC) web services allow a software developer to use portions of the SSC software in their own applications. SSC is a system to cast... -
GIBS Keyhole Markup Language (KML) recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
The KML documentation standard provides a solution for imagery integration into mapping tools that utilize support the KML standard, specifically Google Earth. Using... -
Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature: Moon: 1:10 million-scale Shaded Relief and Color-coded Topography: North Pole recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
These lunar maps display the four different areas of the moon with color-coded topography in low and high resolution approved by the International Astronomical Union... -
Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature: Moon: 1:10 million-scale Shaded Relief and Color-coded Topography: South Pole recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
These lunar maps display the four different areas of the moon with color-coded topography in low and high resolution approved by the International Astronomical Union... -
Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature: Moon: 1:10 million-scale Shaded Relief and Color-coded Topography: Near Side recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
These lunar maps display the four different areas of the moon with color-coded topography in low and high resolution approved by the International Astronomical Union... -
GIBS Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
GDAL is an open source translator library for raster geospatial data formats that presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported... -
Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature: Mars: MOLA global images recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
These maps display regional feature names and boundaries of regional features of Mars approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).