Tidal Wetlands 1990s recent views
State of Connecticut —
In 1995 it was recognized that current Connecticut tidal wetland boundary information was critical to ensure the appropriate management and protection of the tidal... -
Northeast Town Lines recent views
State of Connecticut —
Northeastern United States Town Boundary data are intended for geographic display of state, county and town (municipal) boundaries at statewide and regional levels.... -
Northeast Town Polygon recent views
State of Connecticut —
Northeastern United States Town Boundary data are intended for geographic display of state, county and town (municipal) boundaries at statewide and regional levels.... -
Soils Farmland Classification recent views
State of Connecticut —
Farmland classification identifies map units as prime farmland, farmland of statewide importance, farmland of local importance, or unique farmland. It identifies the... -
Local Basin Lines recent views
State of Connecticut —
See full Data Guide here. Drainage Basin Set: Connecticut Drainage Basins is 1:24,000-scale, polygon and line feature data that define natural drainage areas in... -
Connecticut Railroads recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut Railroads is a 1:24,000-scale, feature-based layer that includes railroad features on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle... -
Northeast County Polygon recent views
State of Connecticut —
Northeastern United States County Boundary data are intended for geographic display of state and county boundaries at statewide and regional levels. Use it to map and... -
Connecticut US Congress Districts (2011 - 2020) recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut US Congress Districts Districts is not intended for maps printed at map scales greater or more detailed than 1:100,000 scale (1 inch = 1.578 mile). -
Connecticut Planning Region Index recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut Planning Region Index is a general purpose index map of Connecticut Planning Regions based on mapped information compiled at 1:125,000 scale (1 inch... -
Soils Hydric Rating recent views
State of Connecticut —
This rating indicates the percentage of map units that meets the criteria for hydric soils. Map units are composed of one or more map unit components or soil types,... -
LIS Dredged Material Disposal Sites recent views
State of Connecticut —
LIS Dredged Material Disposal Sites is a polygon feature-based layer that depicts the official locations of the four active (currently used) sites for depositing... -
Final Streamflow Classifications recent views
State of Connecticut —
The following stream flow classifications on the map are final and include input provided during the public comment period.The State of Connecticut Stream Flow... -
Migratory Waterfowl recent views
State of Connecticut —
Migratory Waterfowl is a 1:24,000-scale, polygon feature-based layer that depicts the concentration areas of migratory waterfowl at specific locations within... -
Connecticut Line recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut State Line includes the line features of a layer named Connecticut. Connecticut is a 1:24,000-scale, polygon and line feature-based layer that depicts the... -
Northeastern States Town Boundary Set recent views
State of Connecticut —
Northeastern United States Town Boundary data are intended for geographic display of state, county and town (municipal) boundaries at statewide and regional levels.... -
Topo Survey Sheet 1880s Shore recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut Historic Shoreline Wetlands: 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Features is a 1:10,000-scale, line feature-based layer that includes information depicting... -
Channels, Basins, and Anchorages recent views
State of Connecticut —
Channels, Basins, and Anchorages is a 1:20,000-scale, polygon feature-based layer that includes the location of channels, turning basins, and anchorages within... -
Surface Water Quality Lines recent views
State of Connecticut —
See full Data Guide here. Surface Water Quality Classifications Set: This dataset is a line and a polygon feature-based layer compiled at 1:24,000 scale that includes... -
CT Hurricane Surge Inundation recent views
State of Connecticut —
See full Data Guide here. Worst case Hurricane Surge Inundation areas for category 1 through 4 hurricanes striking the coast of Connecticut. Hurricane surge values... -
Connecticut State recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut State Line includes the line features of a layer named Connecticut. Connecticut is a 1:24,000-scale, polygon and line feature-based layer that depicts the...