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Connecticut Line

Metadata Updated: February 12, 2025

Connecticut State Line includes the line features of a layer named Connecticut. Connecticut is a 1:24,000-scale, polygon and line feature-based layer that depicts the geographic area encompassed by and the boundary for the State of Connecticut. The State of Connecticut is represented as one polygon feature surrounded by linear boundary features. The layer is based on information from USGS topographic quadrangle maps published between 1969 and 1984 and latitude and longitude coordinates that define the boundary between the states of Connecticut and New York in Long Island Sound. Feature length and geographic area are encoded for linear and polygon features, respectively. This layer was originally published in 1994.

Connecticut State Polygon includes the polygon features of a layer named Connecticut. Connecticut is a 1:24,000-scale, polygon and line feature-based layer that depicts the geographic area encompassed by and the boundary for the State of Connecticut. The State of Connecticut is represented as one polygon feature surrounded by linear boundary features. The layer is based on information from USGS topographic quadrangle maps published between 1969 and 1984 and latitude and longitude coordinates that define the boundary between the states of Connecticut and New York in Long Island Sound. Feature length and geographic area are encoded for linear and polygon features, respectively. This layer was originally published in 1994.

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. Non-Federal: This dataset is covered by different Terms of Use than License: Creative Commons CCZero

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Metadata Created Date September 2, 2022
Metadata Updated Date February 12, 2025

Metadata Source

Harvested from Connecticut Data.json

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date September 2, 2022
Metadata Updated Date February 12, 2025
Publisher Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
Data First Published 2019-08-22
Data Last Modified 2024-08-19
Category geospatial
Public Access Level public
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 5773e46e-bdf4-4d1a-ab89-bb35fe3598e8
Harvest Source Id 36c82f29-4f54-495e-a878-2c07320bf10c
Harvest Source Title Connecticut Data.json
Homepage URL
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial -73.7255,40.9500,-71.7814,42.0486
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash 81d128787259d9208a362f0617e68e187bb0e91639c6f1db4c53df89ce60b76c
Source Schema Version 1.1
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": -73.7255, 40.9500, -73.7255, 42.0486, -71.7814, 42.0486, -71.7814, 40.9500, -73.7255, 40.9500}

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