Southeast Economic Add-On Data 2004 recent views
To collect data on an angler's last trip for revealed preference models and economic valuation purposes. Typically done as an add-on to the MRIP intercept survey and done as... -
Biologically Important Areas for Cetaceans within U.S. Waters 2015-03-01 - Present recent views
The Cetacean Density and Distribution Mapping Working Group identified Biologically Important Areas (BIAs) for 24 cetacean species, stocks, or populations in seven regions (US... -
Indicators 20220516 recent views
These files contain the key distribution metrics of center of gravity, range limits, and depth for each species in the portal. This data set covers 7 regions of the United... -
SIS - Fish Assessment recent views
The Fish Assessment data set within the Species Information System (SIS) constraints information related to fishery stock assessments, including assessment meta-data and model... -
Southeast Marine Recreational Fishing Expenditure Survey 1999 recent views
A series of expenditure surveys have been done both regionally and nationally. Expenditures on trips by mode (for-hire, private boat, and shore) were collected for both... -
Northeast Economic Add-On Data 1999 recent views
Revealed preference models provide insights into recreational angler behavior and the economic value of recreational fishing trips. This data is for the Northeast and is... -
Southeast Economic Add-On Data 2003 recent views
To collect data on an angler's last trip for revealed preference models and economic valuation purposes. Typically done as an add-on to the MRIP intercept survey and done as... -
Southeast Economic Add-On Data 2000 recent views
To collect data on an angler's last trip for revealed preference models and economic valuation purposes. Typically done as an add-on to the MRIP intercept survey and done as...