Multivariate Time Series Search recent views
Multivariate Time-Series (MTS) are ubiquitous, and are generated in areas as disparate as sensor recordings in aerospace systems, music and video streams, medical monitoring,... -
FLTz recent views
This data set is a simulated data set based on the flight simulator "FLTz" used by the Intelligent Flight Control (IFC) group at NASA ARC. Flights were preprogrammed to fly... -
Data from Sustainability Base Characterizing Cold Complaints for ACCEPT recent views
The zip file linked contains three subdirectories and a parameter list to be used for processing using ACCEPT. Datafiles are partitioned into training, validation, and testing... -
Blind Source Separation recent views
Blind source separation in Simulink using STFT and inverse STFT (Signal processing blockset). -
CIDU 2010 paper template recent views
CIDU 2010 LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates. -
Flight Data For Tail 682 recent views
The following zip files contain individual flight recorded data in Matlab file format. There are 186 parameters each with a data structure that contains the following: -sensor... -
Flight Data For Tail 683 recent views
The following zip files contain individual flight recorded data in Matlab file format. There are 186 parameters each with a data structure that contains the following: -sensor... -
HIRENASD coarse structured grid recent views
blockstructured hexahedral grid, 6.7 mio elements, 24 degree minimum grid angle, CGNS format version 2.4, double precision Binary, Plot3D file Please contact Thorsten Hansen for... -
Flight Data For Tail 680 recent views
The following zip files contain individual flight recorded data in Matlab file format. There are 186 parameters each with a data structure that contains the following: -sensor... -
nu-Anomica algorithm recent views
One-class nu-Support Vector machine (SVMs) learning technique maps the input data into a much higher dimensional space and then uses a small portion of the training data... -
Flight Data For Tail 685 recent views
The following zip files contain individual flight recorded data in Matlab file format. There are 186 parameters each with a data structure that contains the following: -sensor... -
Flight Data For Tail 666 recent views
The following zip files contain individual flight recorded data in Matlab file format. There are 186 parameters each with a data structure that contains the following: -sensor... -
Flight Data For Tail 657 recent views
The following zip files contain individual flight recorded data in Matlab file format. There are 186 parameters each with a data structure that contains the following: -sensor... -
Flight Data For Tail 674 recent views
The following zip files contain individual flight recorded data in Matlab file format. There are 186 parameters each with a data structure that contains the following: -sensor... -
Flight Data For Tail 687 recent views
The following zip files contain individual flight recorded data in Matlab file format. There are 186 parameters each with a data structure that contains the following: -sensor... -
Flight Data For Tail 655 recent views
The following zip files contain individual flight recorded data in Matlab file format. There are 186 parameters each with a data structure that contains the following: -sensor... -
Flight Data For Tail 663 recent views
The following zip files contain individual flight recorded data in Matlab file format. There are 186 parameters each with a data structure that contains the following: -sensor...