ODF Fire Occurrence Data 2000-2022 recent views
State of Oregon —
Oregon Dept of Forestry statistical wildfires from 2000 through 2022. Point locations and fire causes included. -
Oregon Consumer Complaints recent views
State of Oregon —
Consumer complaints registered with the Oregon Dept. of Justice. The database of consumer complaints is derived from consumer contacts for the years of 2017 - 2019... -
ORMAP The Oregon Property Tax Map recent views
State of Oregon —
To access the tax lot layer you will need to contact the county Assessor's office. ORMAP is a statewide digital cadastral base map that is publicly accessible,... -
Lottery Expenditures - Multi-Year Report recent views
State of Oregon —
This report includes expenditure data from the Oregon Lottery. The Lottery uses the Microsoft Dynamics 365 system, a standalone ERP (enterprise resource planning... -
Agency Expenditures – Multi-Year Report recent views
State of Oregon —
This list of state agencies expenditure data covers multiple fiscal years. Visit the Oregon Transparency website for more information, and an interactive data... -
Oregon Medicaid Ambulatory Payment Classification Wage Index for DRG Hospitals recent views
State of Oregon —
Lists the Ambulatory Payment Classification wage index for each Oregon hospital. -
Cannabis Pesticide Guide List recent views
State of Oregon —
The intent of the list is to assist growers in distinguishing those pesticide products whose labels do not legally prohibit use on cannabis from those that clearly do... -
ODF Fire History 2000-2022 Dashboard recent views
State of Oregon —
Map and charts showing all ODF statistical wildfire occurrence data from 2000-2022. Statistical fires are those where ODF has primary protection responsibility. Acres... -
Community Colleges - Budget, Revenue, Expenditure - Detail Data recent views
State of Oregon —
The Community College Financial Information System or CCFIS assists community colleges with compliance with ORS 341.670, which sets out guidelines for reporting of... -
Workers' Compensation Claims Data recent views
State of Oregon —
Oregon workers' compensation claims counts. Where available, the data is provided since 1968, the year Oregon's modern workers' compensation system began. The data is... -
FY2024_OregonBuys_POs recent views
State of Oregon —
Purchase Orders (contracts) published in OregonBuys during Fiscal Year 2024 (1 July 2023 - 30 June 2024), except those that are statewide Price Agreements. -
CCB Active Licenses recent views
State of Oregon —
Contractors who can legally work in the State of Oregon -
Open_Data_Progress_Report_Multi_Year_Reporting_Cycle recent views
State of Oregon —
Each row includes data about agency ODP progress reporting. -
Notary Public Directory recent views
State of Oregon —
List of Notary Public's who are approved to perform Remote Online Notarizations (RON) or Electronic Notarizations (IPEN) and have opted in to making their contact... -
State of Oregon Social Media Sites recent views
State of Oregon —
List of social media sites by agency -
Federally Navigable Waterways in Oregon recent views
State of Oregon —
Following is a list of Oregon waterways that have been determined to meet the federal test of navigability for purposes of State ownership of the underlying submerged... -
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV) and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) cases in Oregon recent views
State of Oregon —
RHD & HPAI cases in Oregon -
Independent Theaters, Live Event Venues, and Live Event Support Grants, FY2023 recent views
State of Oregon —
Business Oregon was allocated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds to assist various industries negatively affected by by the... -
Entrepreneurial Development Loan Fund (EDLF) recent views
State of Oregon —
Loans from the Entrepreneurial Development Loan Fund (EDLF) for Fiscal Years 2016-2024 under ORS 285B.740. The fund provides direct loans to help start-ups, micro-...