USDA IT Policy Archive recent views
Department of Agriculture —
Per the requirements of the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) and the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) implementation guidance,... -
Realized Cost Savings and Avoidance recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The OMB Office of the Chief Information Officer (OFCIO) has a long-standing practice of making information about Federal IT available to the public through various... -
USDA Governance Boards recent views
Department of Agriculture —
USDA CIO Governance Board Membership List include all governance boards the CIO is a member of. Agencies shall keep this list up to date at least annually beginning... -
USDA Bureau IT Leadership Directory recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This is a list of all USDA employees with role of CIO. This requirement comes from FITARA legislation and more details can be found at http://management.cio.gov "CIO...