NCRN Bird Monitoring Data 2007 - 2017 recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data represent the first ten years of data collection (2007-2016) on avian abundance/density and distribution in the National Capital Region as part of the... -
Upland Vegetation and Soils Monitoring for the Northern Colorado Plateau Network: 2009-2023 - Raw Data recent views
Department of the Interior —
Raw data for the Upland Vegetation and Soils Monitoring for the Northern Colorado Plateau Network: 2009-2023 datasets. -
Digital Geologic-GIS Map of Glacier National Park, Montana (NPS, GRD, GRI, GLAC, GLAC digital map) adapted from a U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map by Whipple (1992) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Digital Geologic-GIS Map of Glacier National Park, Montana is composed of GIS data layers and GIS tables, and is available in the following GRI-supported GIS data... -
Fisheries Inventory, Trout Data, at Rocky Mountain National Park 2021-2022 - Open Format Dataset recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Cameron Peak Fire and East Troublesome Fire of 2020 were the two largest wildfires in Colorado history. They burned approximately 9% of the Rocky Mountain... -
Lidar for Yosemite National Park recent views
Department of the Interior —
Parkwide Quality Level 1 LiDAR was flown October 6-12 and 21-23, 2019. Acquisition occurred free of smoke, fog and cloud during a time frame absent of unusual... -
Grand Canyon National Park Trail GIS Dataset recent views
Department of the Interior —
Trails data are intended to be used for a variety of mapping, resource management, planning, and analysis applications. -
A Dataset of Amphibian Species in U.S. National Parks, Version 1.4 recent views
Department of the Interior —
National parks and other protected areas are important for preserving landscapes and biodiversity worldwide. An essential component of the mission of the United... -
Upland Vegetation and Soils Monitoring for the Northern Colorado Plateau Network: 2009-2023 - Data Package recent views
Department of the Interior —
Uplands are land areas lying above the elevation where flooding generally occurs—areas found beyond riparian zones. Uplands represent the vast majority of land area... -
Great Lakes Network 2006-2023 Large Rivers Water Quality Monitoring Data as of 2024-12-04 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data package was created 2024-12-04 07:43:29 by NPSTORET and includes selected project, location, and result data. Data contained in Great Lakes Network NPSTORET... -
Grand Teton National Park Tract and Boundary Data recent views
Department of the Interior —
These ESRI shape files are of National Park Service tract and boundary data that was created by the Land Resources Division. Tracts are numbered and created by the... -
NCRN Bird Monitoring Data 2019 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset represents 2019 NCRN forest and grassland bird monitoring. Data were collected on avian abundance/density and distribution in the National Capital Region... -
2024 Three-Pass Depletion Fish Census Surveys recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data represent fish census surveys in Great Smoky Mountains National Park conducted using the Delury Method of Three-Pass Depletion electrofishing. In 2024,... -
Boundary of the North Cascades National Park Service Complex, Washington, nbndry_g2.shp recent views
Department of the Interior —
ArcGIS shapefile polygons showing the location of the Park boundary as well as administrative unit boundaries (Ross Lake and Lake Chelan National Recreation Areas)... -
NCCN Elk Aerial Monitoring Data Package, 2008-2017 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data package contains North Coast and Cascades Network (NCCN) Inventory and Monitoring Program elk survey tabular data collected during 2008-2017 at Mount... -
3-m Lidar Digital Elevation Model recent views
Department of the Interior —
The lidar Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is the primary elevation data product produced and distributed by the National Park Service, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. -
Landbird Monitoring for the Northern Colorado Plateau Network, 2005-2023 - Data Package recent views
Department of the Interior —
The landbird monitoring protocol established by the Northern Colorado Plateau Network (NCPN) keeps track of landbird populations in its park units to monitor... -
Southern Plains Network - Streams Protocol Water Quality Monitoring Data from 2010-2022 for SOPN_WQ Project as of 2024-10-23 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data package was created 2024-10-23 15:42:39 by NPSTORET and includes selected project, location, and result data. Data contained in Southern Plains Network's...