WISE-CASING: Time Domain Reflectometry Data from Lab Experiment on Coaxial Cable
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Comparison Between Damaged Cable and Undamaged...eps
Comparison of the TDR responses between damaged cable and undamaged cable....
Picture of Coaxial Cable used in Experiment.jpgJPEG
A picture of the coaxial cable for the experiment. The amplitude of the data...
Summary of the Experiment.pptxPOWERPOINT
Summary of the experiment. The amplitude of the data is mV.
TDR 20m Coaxial Cable Lab Experiment .csvCSV
TDR response of the undamaged 20m coaxial cable with shorted termination. The...
TDR Shorted Termination with 120 Degree Cutaway.csvCSV
TDR response of the shorted termination with 120 degree cutaway at 40m of 85m...
TDR Shorted Termination Pre-Damage.csvCSV
TDR response of the shorted termination of undamaged cable. The amplitude of...
TDR 5m Coaxial Cable Lab Experiment.csvCSV
TDR response of the undamaged 5m coaxial cable with shorted termination. The...
TDR 10m Coaxial Cable Lab Experiment.csvCSV
TDR response of the undamaged coaxial cable with shorted termination. The...
Plot Comparison of Three Shorted Termination...PDF
Comparison of the three shorted termination with length 5m, 10m, and 20m. The...
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Metadata Created Date | June 24, 2021 |
Metadata Updated Date | June 25, 2021 |
Metadata Source
- Data.json Data.json Metadata
Harvested from OpenEI data.json
Additional Metadata
Resource Type | Dataset |
Metadata Created Date | June 24, 2021 |
Metadata Updated Date | June 25, 2021 |
Publisher | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Maintainer | |
Doi | 10.15121/1559012 |
Identifier | https://data.openei.org/submissions/3810 |
Data First Published | 2018-03-15T06:00:00Z |
Data Last Modified | 2020-01-27T22:39:08Z |
Public Access Level | public |
Bureau Code | 019:20 |
Metadata Context | https://openei.org/data.json |
Metadata Catalog ID | https://openei.org/data.json |
Schema Version | https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema |
Catalog Describedby | https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema/catalog.json |
Data Quality | True |
Harvest Object Id | 8e118058-7ae9-4a35-9f48-ccb67ab62a6a |
Harvest Source Id | 7cbf9085-0290-4e9f-bec1-91653baeddfd |
Harvest Source Title | OpenEI data.json |
Homepage URL | https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1164 |
License | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ |
Old Spatial | {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":-122.24025382119,37.876913157073,-122.24025382119,37.876913157073,-122.24025382119,37.876913157073,-122.24025382119,37.876913157073,-122.24025382119,37.876913157073} |
Program Code | 019:006 |
Projectlead | Mike Weathers |
Projectnumber | EE0033208 |
Projecttitle | Wellbore Integrity asSEssment with Casing-based Advanced SenSING (WISE-CASING) |
Source Datajson Identifier | True |
Source Hash | 0c2e56010594c69bd15de9edb45b23808c3c58d8 |
Source Schema Version | 1.1 |
Spatial | {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":-122.24025382119,37.876913157073,-122.24025382119,37.876913157073,-122.24025382119,37.876913157073,-122.24025382119,37.876913157073,-122.24025382119,37.876913157073} |
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