The geolocated counts for the Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey and associated segment effort information from 2000 to present. The survey was not conducted in 2020-21 due to the COVID pandemic. Two data files are included with their associated metadata (html and xml formats).
wbphs_geolocated_counts_forDistribution.csv includes the locations of the plane when survey species observations were made. For each observation, the social group and count is recorded along with a description of the location quality. Number of rows in table = 1,820,628.
wbphs_segment_effort_forDistribution.csv. The survey effort file includes the midpoint latitude and longitude of each segment when known, which can differ by year (as indicated by the version number). If a segment was not flown, it is absent from the table for the corresponding year. Number of rows in table = 65,122.
Not all geolocated records have locations.
Please consult the metadata for an explanation of the fields and other information to understand the limitations of the data.