This data set contains binned and splined data obtained from the Viking Meteorology Instrument System (VMIS) through most of the Viking Lander 2 mission and the early days of the Lander 1 mission. The data set consists of mean values of pressure, temperature, and wind speed (zonal, meridional, and combined) and relevant statistics and warning flags calculated for 25 bins of equal duration per day. The effect of Lander interference on the temperature measurements is also estimated. The data are presented on a bin by bin basis for Lander 1 sol (Mars solar day after landing) 1-45 and for Lander 2 sol 1-1050 (with the only major gap occurring between sol 561 and 625). Failure of the quadrant sensor on Lander 1 sol 45 (see HESS_ETAL_1977) precludes unambiguous determination of wind direction without modification to the analysis techniques and software used to generate this data set (see HESS_ETAL_1977) therefore, this data set does not include Lander 1 measurements made after sol 45. A data set which has recovered a period of measurements made between Lander 1 sol 1 and 350 is available refer to PDS data set id VL1-M-MET-4-BINNED-P-T-V-CORR-V1.0.