This data set contains binned and splined data obtained from the Viking Meteorology Instrument System (VMIS) through portions of the Viking Lander 1 mission. The data set consists of mean values of pressure, temperature, and wind speed (zonal and meridional) calculated for 25 bins of equal duration per day. The data are presented on a bin by bin basis for Lander 1 sol (Mars solar day after landing) 1-350, with no data existing between sols 117 and 133. Failure of the wind direction quadrant sensor on Lander 1 sol 45 required development of data recovery techniques to produce wind direction information for periods after the failure. For details on the data recovery techniques used to produce this data set, see MURPHY_1986. Another data set is available for an extensive period of Lander 2 observations and the Lander 1 observations made prior to the sol 45 failure VL1/VL2-M-MET-4-BINNED-P-T-V-V1.0.