This data set includes Voyager 2 Saturn encounter magnetometer data from the Low Field Magnetometer (LFM) resampled at a 1.92 second sample rate from the 60 msec instrument sampling rate. Data coverage begins in the solar wind and continues until at least the first magnetopause crossing. The data are given in Kronographic (L1) coordinates. The data set is composed of the following columns: 1) time - UT of the sample in the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ, 2) spacecraft clock values (m65536:mod60:fds_line), 3) mag_id - magnetometer id (1 = LFM, 2 = HFM), 4) Br - radial (Saturn to spacecraft) B-field component, 5) Btheta - North/South (L1) B-field component (positive southward), 6) Bphi - azimuthal (L1) B-field component (positive eastward), 7) Bmag - magnitude of the averaged magnetic field components, 8) avg_Bmag - average of the magnetic field magnitudes, 9) delta - magnetic latitude = arcsin(Btheta/Bmag), 10) lambda - longitude = 180. - atan(Bphi/-Br), 11-13) rms_br, rms_bt, and rms_bn - rms vectors, 14) npts - number of points in average. All magnetic field observations are measured in nanoTesla. All of the magnetic field data are calibrated (see the instrument calibration description for more details). These data are provided in a Saturn centered spherical system (L1), based on the Saturn Longitude System (Voyager Measurements of the Rotation Period of Saturn's Magnetic Field, Desch and Kaiser, JGR, 8, 253, 1981).