This data set consists of resampled data from the Low Energy Charged Particle (LECP) experiment on Voyager 2 while the spacecraft was in the vicinity of Jupiter. This instrument measures the intensities of in-situ charged particles (>26 keV electrons and >30 keV ions) with various levels of discrimination based on energy, mass species, and angular arrival direction. A subset of almost 100 LECP channels are included with this data set. The LECP data are globally calibrated to the extent possible (see below) and they are time averaged to about 15 minute time intervals with the exact beginning and ending times for those intervals matching the LECP instrumental cycle periods (the angular scanning periods). The data is in the form of 'rate' data which has not been converted to the usual physical units. Data records for the version 1.1 data set provide all data for a given channel and time period (8 sectors, plus the average for all sectors) in a single record.