This project (funded by the Joint Fire Science Program through the Seney Natural History Association) contains prescribed and wildfire point and polygon data covering 1944-2012 that occurred within the boundaries of the Seney National Wildlife Refuge (SNWR) and point data from the dendrochronological work of Drobyshev et al. (2008, Canadian J. Forest Research). The intention of the project was to create a data set to provide a single source for users of GIS to access point and area fire information. Prior to this project a separate polygon data set created by the refuge covering fires from 2003-2009 was available as was the Drobyshev et al. (2008) data in a separate file. All other records of fire events on the refuge were in various forms ranging from table sets in the Fire Management Information System (FMIS) to references in refuge annual narratives. There was a clear need to establish a system showing basic location and historical information in one format. GIS using ESRI shapefiles was chosen since it shows the most promise and flexibility in future planning and modeling use. This data format should allow for less duplication of future efforts and increase the usability of fire data to not only to refuge staff but also partner agencies and researchers.