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Metadata Updated: February 12, 2025

DEEP Trails Set:

Trail Access Points are point features in the Statewide Trails Database that describe where trails are accessed at trail heads, state and municipal parks and forests, or other points of departure. Trail Points of Interest are point features in the Statewide Trails Database that describe where there are scenic overlooks, bridges, river crossings or other historic or geologic sites of interest along trails. These features are directly located along trails and do not describe amenities commonly found on park grounds such as parking areas, picnic areas, and restrooms. Trail Point of Interest features are optional. Trails are line features in the Statewide Trails Database that describe the location of single and multi-use trails, access trails, connector trails, and regional trails. These features may also describe bike routes along public roads and their relationship with connecting multi-use paved trails used for walking, running, inline-skating, and bicyling, for example. Trail features describe hiking trails, nature trails, bike routes, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible trails such as certain walkways, boardwalks and stone dust surfaced trails. Individual trail features are described in terms of their surface type (unpaved, paved, unpaved road, paved road, etc.) and whether activities such as hiking, walking, running, inline skating, bicycling, mountain biking, motorbiking, all terraine vehicle use, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, and horseback riding are permitted. Also indicates whether leashed or unleashed dogs are allowed. Roadway line features are optional features in the Statewide Trails Database used to place a trail system in context with nearby park roads or park entrance. They are very simple line features used to represent driveways, park roads, forest roads, and occasionally public roads on or along the public property where the trail system exists. Roadway line features are optional. They are not used for mapping bike routes. Trail line features are used for mapping bike routes.

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. Non-Federal: This dataset is covered by different Terms of Use than License: Creative Commons CCZero

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Metadata Created Date September 2, 2022
Metadata Updated Date February 12, 2025

Metadata Source

Harvested from Connecticut Data.json

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date September 2, 2022
Metadata Updated Date February 12, 2025
Publisher Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
Data First Published 2019-10-29
Data Last Modified 2024-10-10
Category geospatial
Public Access Level public
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 7a23dab8-932e-43a7-a8f3-f47f5f7c79ca
Harvest Source Id 36c82f29-4f54-495e-a878-2c07320bf10c
Harvest Source Title Connecticut Data.json
Homepage URL
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial -73.6157,41.1081,-71.7812,42.0426
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash e7788b66eb81110f92c89bceb6dd7be82bf59cd68d6ded46613c6ec8d63fbfeb
Source Schema Version 1.1
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": -73.6157, 41.1081, -73.6157, 42.0426, -71.7812, 42.0426, -71.7812, 41.1081, -73.6157, 41.1081}

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