Census 2010 WMS (Web Mapping Service) 2015...
URL: https://tigerweb.geo.census.gov/arcgis/rest/services/TIGERweb/tigerWMS_PhysicalFeatures/MapServer
This web mapping service contains the layer for primary and secondary roads. Since this layer displays at scales of 1:90,000 or greater, adjusting the BBox coordinates in the URL is necessary
Source: TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2015, county, Rappahannock County, VA, All Roads County-based Shapefile
About this Resource
Last updated | unknown |
Created | unknown |
Name | Census 2010 WMS (Web Mapping Service) 2015 Primary and Secondary Roads layers |
Format | Esri REST API Endpoint |
License | No License Provided |
Created | 4 years ago |
has views | False |
id | 3ad5f059-da99-40b1-983e-cf6770c99ed1 |
metadata modified | 4 years ago |
package id | e1174138-1f6a-45e6-a4f2-22243cf87ad2 |
position | 2 |
resource locator function | download |
state | active |
tracking summary | {'total': 124, 'recent': 6} |