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The use of Continuous Resistivity Profiling to Evaluate Geomorphologic Controls on Aquifer Recharge in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain from Money to Steiner, Mississippi, August 2016 to November 2016

Metadata Updated: July 6, 2024

This content represents a map displaying the vector data corresponding to the processed datasets for the capacitively coupled resistivity profiling surveys across the Mississippi Alluvial Plain. The .sd file is an ESRI service definition file containing all the data (compatible for use in ESRI ArcDesktop). This file contains the shapefile representing data from the entire study area. These are all displayed in the map service definition. Users can also download the .sd file and extract the content (using 7zip, WinZip, or similar products) on their local machine to obtain the stand-alone shapefile. In cooperation with more than 10 local, State, and Federal stakeholders, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) is studying the aquifer systems in and near the Mississippi River alluvial plain ( This data release consists of continuous resistivity profiling (CRP) data collected by the USGS to characterize the electrical properties of geomorphological features in the part of the Mississippi River alluvial plain from Money, Miss. to Steiner, Miss. A total of 68 kilometers of multiple CRP profiles were obtained. The CRP data were collected by using the Ohmmapper TR-5 system (Geometrics, Inc., 2016) to determine if different geomorphological features in the study could be identified. Drilling logs from nearby boreholes were used to confirm if apparent changes in lithology correlated positively with apparent changes in resistivity profiles.

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: No license information was provided. If this work was prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person's official duties it is considered a U.S. Government Work.

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Metadata Created Date June 1, 2023
Metadata Updated Date July 6, 2024

Metadata Source

Harvested from DOI EDI

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date June 1, 2023
Metadata Updated Date July 6, 2024
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Identifier USGS:5a57bc1de4b01e7be245ced1
Data Last Modified 20180227
Category geospatial
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 010:12
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 112a93e8-1f94-4596-86b9-9744a8a98ab3
Harvest Source Id 52bfcc16-6e15-478f-809a-b1bc76f1aeda
Harvest Source Title DOI EDI
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial -90.614517212,33.572676446,-90.211673366,33.674637678
Publisher Hierarchy White House > U.S. Department of the Interior > U.S. Geological Survey
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash c31804a48fac90af992d4880e75c0330ecd47a2bf5d6f9f1f7faf409bec1ad2d
Source Schema Version 1.1
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": -90.614517212, 33.572676446, -90.614517212, 33.674637678, -90.211673366, 33.674637678, -90.211673366, 33.572676446, -90.614517212, 33.572676446}

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