Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) statistics generated by this tool solely reflect the data submitted on FinCEN Form 111. Use of this form for FinCEN SARs was voluntary during the period of March 1, 2012 through March 31, 2013 and mandatory starting on April 1, 2013. FinCEN Form 111 has replaced the individual legacy SAR types formerly filed on TD F 90-22.47 (Depository Institutions), FinCEN Form 109 (Money Services Business), FinCEN Form 102 (Casinos & Card Clubs), and FinCEN Form 101 (Securities & Futures Industries). The statistics are based on the Bank Secrecy Act Identification Number of each record within the SAR system. The Bank Secrecy Act Identification Number is a unique number assigned to each SAR submitted. Statistical data for SARs are updated as information is processed and refreshed data is periodically made available for this tool. For this reason, there may be discrepancies between the statistical figures returned from queries performed at different times. In addition, slight differences in query criteria may return different statistical results. Also note that the statistics generated by this tool do not include SAR fields that contain unknown or blank data. To the extent statistics including blank or unknown data are tabulated outside of this tool for other purposes, there may be discrepancies between statistics generated by this tool and those generated through other means. FinCEN makes no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy or completeness of the statistical figures provided from this tool and expressly disclaims liability for errors, omissions, or discrepancies in the statistical figures.