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Surfzone Coastal Oil Pathway Experiment (SCOPE) CTD casts taken near Santa Rosa Island, Florida in the Gulf of Mexico from 2013-12-06 to 2013-12-17 (NCEI Accession 0161175)

Metadata Updated: February 1, 2025

This dataset contains temperature, conductivity, specific conductance, salinity, sound velocity, and density data collected with CTD casts on 6-17 December 2013 off Santa Rosa Island, Florida, as part of the Surfzone Coastal Oil Pathway Experiment (SCOPE), focused on measuring the inner-shelf and surf-zone processes responsible for oil transport. There were seven casts on each of the first two days, and twelve on the third day. The water column was sampled down to a depth of about 10-23 m, depending on location. The nominal sampling rate was 2 seconds. The intensive three-week SCOPE field campaign also employed a cross-shore array of fixed instruments to measure winds, waves, currents, and water properties from 10 m water depth to the shoreline; surface drifters; dye releases; and moving-vessel measuring platforms. This unique set of observations is valuable both for quantifying nearshore physics and mixing estimates, and for assessing nearshore model forecasts. The observations captured a wide range of wind- and wave-forcing due to a number of synoptic winter storms that occurred during the experiment. This dataset was created by the Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbon in the Environment (CARTHE). This research was made possible by a grant from BP/The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative.

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License: No license information was provided. If this work was prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person's official duties it is considered a U.S. Government Work.

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Metadata Date 2024-09-17T19:19:24Z
Metadata Created Date December 4, 2020
Metadata Updated Date February 1, 2025
Reference Date(s) March 17, 2017 (publication)
Frequency Of Update asNeeded

Metadata Source

Harvested from NOAA/NESDIS/ncei/accessions

Graphic Preview

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Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Date 2024-09-17T19:19:24Z
Metadata Created Date December 4, 2020
Metadata Updated Date February 1, 2025
Reference Date(s) March 17, 2017 (publication)
Responsible Party (Point of Contact)
Contact Email
Guid gov.noaa.nodc:0161175
Access Constraints Cite as: MacMahan, Jamie (2017). Surfzone Coastal Oil Pathway Experiment (SCOPE) CTD casts taken near Santa Rosa Island, Florida in the Gulf of Mexico from 2013-12-06 to 2013-12-17 (NCEI Accession 0161175). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date]., Use liability: NOAA and NCEI cannot provide any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of furnished data. Users assume responsibility to determine the usability of these data. The user is responsible for the results of any application of this data for other than its intended purpose.
Bbox East Long -86.4461972
Bbox North Lat 30.3926545
Bbox South Lat 29.9561801
Bbox West Long -87.2978355
Coupled Resource
Frequency Of Update asNeeded
Graphic Preview Description Preview graphic
Graphic Preview File
Graphic Preview Type PNG
Harvest Object Id 38bf0d32-6815-4bd4-995d-5b271a757ba7
Harvest Source Id c084a438-6f6b-470d-93e0-16aeddb9f513
Harvest Source Title NOAA/NESDIS/ncei/accessions
Licence accessLevel: Public
Metadata Language eng
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-87.2978355, 29.9561801], [-86.4461972, 29.9561801], [-86.4461972, 30.3926545], [-87.2978355, 30.3926545], [-87.2978355, 29.9561801]]]}
Progress completed
Spatial Data Service Type
Spatial Reference System
Spatial Harvester True
Temporal Extent Begin 2013-12-06
Temporal Extent End 2013-12-17

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