An Excel file including: raw data, data dictionary, and all final data sets.
A PDF containing detailed equations for calculating the daily dose using the creatinine correction and UFR, figures comparing the HI between the creatinine correction and UFR, figures and tables comparing temporal trends in the MCR between the HI and potency-weighted approach, tables describing frequency of participants by cycle, temporal limit of detection by metabolite, tolerable daily intakes by phthalate, Group designation of the MCR, complete regression equations used in the regression analysis, comparison of Group counts by creatinine correction and UFR, and relative potency factors by phthalate.
This dataset is associated with the following publication:
Reyes, J., and P. Price. Temporal Trends in Exposures to Six Phthalates from Biomonitoring Data: Implications for Cumulative Risk. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, USA, 52(21): 12475-12483, (2018).