Steelhead Report Card Projects [ds657] recent views
This dataset represents the locations of all ongoing and completed Steelhead Report Card projects. -
California Important Farmland: 2016 recent views
Established in 1982, Government Code Section 65570 mandates FMMP to biennially report on the conversion of farmland and grazing land, and to provide maps and data to local... -
California Important Farmland: 2018 recent views
Established in 1982, Government Code Section 65570 mandates FMMP to biennially report on the conversion of farmland and grazing land, and to provide maps and data to local... -
CGS Mineral Hazards: Indoor Radon Potential Zones recent views
This digital layer contains polygons (vector format) of portions of California designated as having high, moderate, low, or unknown potential for homes to exceed the U.S. EPA... -
CGS Map Sheet 48: Fault-based seismic sources used in the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, Version 3 (UCERF3) recent views
Data show fault-based seismic sources used in the time-independent component of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, Version 3 (UCERF3), which provides... -
CGS Mineral Hazards: Indoor Radon Potential Study Areas recent views
Study area boundaries for indoor radon potential conducted by the California Geological Survey. -
CGS Map Sheet 48: Shear-wave Velocity in Upper 30m of Surficial Geology (Vs30) recent views
This dataset represents simplified geologic units that have been correlated to the time-averaged seismic shear-wave velocity in the upper 30 meters of the earth’s surface... -
CGS Map Sheet 48: Historic Earthquakes, 1769 to 2015 - California (Magnitude 5.0-plus) recent views
Epicenters of known M≥5 earthquakes from 1769 to 2016 are shown for California and a 100 km area bordering the state. Earthquakes are grouped by: M = 5-6; M = 6-7; M = 7+. -
CGS Map Sheet 48: Earthquake Shaking Potential for California (revised 2016) recent views
The California Geological Survey published maps of “Earthquake Shaking Potential for California” in 1999 and has revised the maps following each update of the National Seismic... -
CGS Map Sheet 48: National Loss from Earthquake Damage, Conterminous United States (2014 Estimate) recent views
"Annualized Earthquake Losses (AEL) are economic losses from earthquake shaking-related building damage. These data use the most recent National Seismic Hazard Maps (the years...