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SHREC'10 track: Range scan retrieval

Metadata Updated: July 29, 2022

The objective of this shape retrieval contest is to retrieve 3D models those are relevant to a query range scan. This task corresponds to a real life scenario where the query is a 3D range scan of an object acquired from an arbitrary view direction. The algorithm should retrieve the relevant 3D objects from a database.

Task description: In response to a given set of queries, the task is to evaluate similarity scores with the target models and return an ordered ranked list along with the similarity scores for each query. The set of query consists of range images.

Data set: The query set is composed of 120 range images, which are acquired by capturing 3 range scans of 40 models from arbitrary view directions. The range images are captured using a Minolta Laser Scanner. The file format is in the ASCII Object File Format (.off) representing the scan in a triangular mesh. The target database contains 800 complete 3D models, which are categorized into 40 classes. In each class there are 20 models. The file format to represent the 3D models is the ASCII Object File Format (.off).

Evaluation Methodology: We will employ the following evaluation measures: Precision-Recall curve; Average Precision (AP) and Mean Average Precision (MAP); E-Measure; Discounted Cumulative Gain; Nearest Neighbor, First-Tier (Tier1) and Second-Tier (Tier2).

Please Cite the Paper: Dutagaci H, Godil A, Cheung CP, Furuya T, Hillenbrand U, Ohbuchi R. SHREC'10 Track: Range Scan Retrieval. In3DOR 2010 May 2 (pp. 109-115).

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Metadata Created Date March 11, 2021
Metadata Updated Date July 29, 2022

Metadata Source

Harvested from NIST

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date March 11, 2021
Metadata Updated Date July 29, 2022
Publisher National Institute of Standards and Technology
Identifier ark:/88434/mds2-2214
Data First Published 2020-04-22
Language en
Data Last Modified 2010-02-02 00:00:00
Category Mathematics and Statistics:Image and signal processing, Information Technology:Data and informatics
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 006:55
Metadata Context
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id bbd01b4a-d95e-4375-b378-6daa84b75023
Harvest Source Id 74e175d9-66b3-4323-ac98-e2a90eeb93c0
Harvest Source Title NIST
Homepage URL
Program Code 006:045
Related Documents
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash 19ccb72559f867b32024233ab400c18e0568a9b5
Source Schema Version 1.1

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