Payload Checkout 12 (PC12) was an active checkout where a target independent opportunity to perform interactive operations and to request spacecraft pointing was given to all Rosetta payload teams. All Rosetta payload took part in this scenario The Active Payload Checkout 12 ran for 23 consecutive days starting on the 23th April 2010 until the 14th May 2010.During PC12 GIADA performs only a passive test (GD01) similar to the previous Passive Payload Checkouts. This passive test (GD01), which includes standard procedures and full functional verification, was executed by switching on Main and Redundant I/Fs in sequence and executing similar procedures for the two cases. The data reported in this data set have been converted from ADC counts to engineering values. The quality of the Housekeeping and Calibration data is good. Scientific data are due to noise, as no grain event is expected during this mission phase. These data must be only considered to evaluate GIADA behaviour and not as real scientific data. Data reported by GDS and IS are due to noise as no dust event is expected during this mission phase. MBS frequency changes, once normalised for frequency vs. temperature dependence, if present, are due to deposition of contaminants existing in the S/C environment. Housekeeping and Calibration data from all GIADA sub-systems are useful to evaluate instrument health and behaviour when compared with similar data acquired during other mission phases.