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QuitNowTXT Text Messaging Library

Metadata Updated: July 26, 2023

Overview: The QuitNowTXT text messaging program is designed as a resource that can be adapted to specific contexts including those outside the United States and in languages other than English. Based on evidence-based practices, this program is a smoking cessation intervention for smokers who are ready to quit smoking. Although evidence supports the use of text messaging as a platform to deliver cessation interventions, it is expected that the maximum effect of the program will be demonstrated when it is integrated into other elements of a national tobacco control strategy. The QuitNowTXT program is designed to deliver tips, motivation, encouragement and fact-based information via unidirectional and interactive bidirectional message formats. The core of the program consists of messages sent to the user based on a scheduled quit day identified by the user. Messages are sent for up to four weeks pre-quit date and up to six weeks post quit date. Messages assessing mood, craving, and smoking status are also sent at various intervals, and the user receives messages back based on the response they have submitted. In addition, users can request assistance in dealing with craving, stress/mood, and responding to slips/relapses by texting specific key words to the QuitNow. Rotating automated messages are then returned to the user based on the keyword. Details of the program are provided below. Texting STOP to the service discontinues further texts being sent. This option is provided every few messages as required by the United States cell phone providers. It is not an option to remove this feature if the program is used within the US. If a web-based registration is used, it is suggested that users provide demographic information such as age, gender, and smoking frequency (daily or almost every day, most days, only a few days a week, only on weekends, a few times a month or less) in addition to their mobile phone number and quit date. This information will be useful for assessing the reach of the program, as well as identifying possible need to develop libraries to specific groups. The use of only a mobile phone-based registration system reduces barriers for participant entry into the program but limits the collection of additional data. At bare minimum, quit date must be collected. At sign up, participants will have the option to choose a quit date up to one month out. Text messages will start up to 14 days before their specified quit date. Users also have the option of changing their quit date at any time if desired. The program can also be modified to provide texts to users who have already quit within the last month. One possible adaptation of the program is to include a QuitNowTXT "light" version. This adaptation would allow individuals who do not have unlimited text messaging capabilities but would still like to receive support to participate by controlling the number of messages they receive. In the light program, users can text any of the programmed keywords without fully opting in to the program. Program Design: The program is designed as a 14-day countdown to quit date, with subsequent six weeks of daily messages. Each day within the program is identified as either a pre-quit date (Q- # days) or a post-quit date (Q+#). If a user opts into the program fewer than 14 days before their quit date, the system will begin sending messages on that day. For example, if they opt in four days prior to their quit date, the system will send a welcome message and recognize that they are at Q-4 (or four days before their quit date), and they will receive the message that everyone else receives four days before their quit date. As the user progresses throughout the program, they will receive messages outlined in the text message library. Throughout the program, users will receive texts that cover a variety of content areas including tips, informational content, motivational messaging, and keyword responses. The frequency of messages in

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: No license information was provided. If this work was prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person's official duties it is considered a U.S. Government Work.

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Metadata Created Date November 10, 2020
Metadata Updated Date July 26, 2023

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Harvested from

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Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date November 10, 2020
Metadata Updated Date July 26, 2023
Publisher National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Identifier c90f280f-7c5c-4d12-a648-a521301708c0
Data First Published 2021-02-13
Data Last Modified 2023-07-25
Category Health
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 009:00
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 18cf04b8-eab5-4137-98f4-c90490b46903
Harvest Source Id 651e43b2-321c-4e4c-b86a-835cfc342cb0
Harvest Source Title
Homepage URL
Program Code 009:047
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Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash 96ae9cac2b7566f41361bee5346316f0c3188c23
Source Schema Version 1.1

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