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PlanktonSet 1.0: Plankton imagery data collected from F.G. Walton Smith in Straits of Florida from 2014-06-03 to 2014-06-06 and used in the 2015 National Data Science Bowl (NCEI Accession 0127422)

Metadata Updated: February 1, 2025

Data presented here are subset of a larger plankton imagery data set collected in the subtropical Straits of Florida from 2014-05-28 to 2014-06-14. Imagery data were collected using the In Situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System (ISIIS-2) as part of a NSF-funded project to assess the biophysical drivers affecting fine-scale interactions between larval fish, their prey, and predators. This subset of images was used in the inaugural National Data Science Bowl ( hosted by Kaggle and sponsored by Booz Allen Hamilton. Data were originally collected to examine the biophysical drivers affecting fine-scale (spatial) interactions between larval fish, their prey, and predators in a subtropical pelagic marine ecosystem. Image segments extracted from the raw data were sorted into 121 plankton classes, split 50:50 into train and test data sets, and provided for a machine learning competition (the National Data Science Bowl). There was no hierarchical relationships explicit in the 121 plankton classes, though the class naming convention and a tree-like diagram (see file "Plankton Relationships.pdf") indicated relationships between classes, whether it was taxonomic or structural (size and shape). We intend for this dataset to be available to the machine learning and computer vision community as a standard machine learning benchmark. This “Plankton 1.0” dataset is a medium-size dataset with a fair amount of complexity where image classification improvements can still be made.

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License: No license information was provided. If this work was prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person's official duties it is considered a U.S. Government Work.

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Metadata Date 2024-09-17T19:19:08Z
Metadata Created Date December 4, 2020
Metadata Updated Date February 1, 2025
Reference Date(s) April 28, 2015 (publication), May 8, 2015 (revision)
Frequency Of Update asNeeded

Metadata Source

Harvested from NOAA/NESDIS/ncei/accessions

Graphic Preview

Preview graphic

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Date 2024-09-17T19:19:08Z
Metadata Created Date December 4, 2020
Metadata Updated Date February 1, 2025
Reference Date(s) April 28, 2015 (publication), May 8, 2015 (revision)
Responsible Party (Point of Contact)
Contact Email
Guid gov.noaa.nodc:0127422
Access Constraints Cite as: Cowen, Robert K.; Sponaugle, Su; Robinson, Kelly L.; Luo, Jessica; Guigand, Cedric (2015). PlanktonSet 1.0: Plankton imagery data collected from F.G. Walton Smith in Straits of Florida from 2014-06-03 to 2014-06-06 and used in the 2015 National Data Science Bowl (NCEI Accession 0127422). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date]., Use liability: NOAA and NCEI cannot provide any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of furnished data. Users assume responsibility to determine the usability of these data. The user is responsible for the results of any application of this data for other than its intended purpose.
Bbox East Long -79.2
Bbox North Lat 26
Bbox South Lat 24.3
Bbox West Long -81.9
Coupled Resource
Frequency Of Update asNeeded
Graphic Preview Description Preview graphic
Graphic Preview File
Graphic Preview Type PNG
Harvest Object Id c0dcdc83-51c2-47be-b761-e698c0a402bb
Harvest Source Id c084a438-6f6b-470d-93e0-16aeddb9f513
Harvest Source Title NOAA/NESDIS/ncei/accessions
Licence accessLevel: Public
Metadata Language eng
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-81.9, 24.3], [-79.2, 24.3], [-79.2, 26.0], [-81.9, 26.0], [-81.9, 24.3]]]}
Progress completed
Spatial Data Service Type
Spatial Reference System
Spatial Harvester True
Temporal Extent Begin 2014-06-03
Temporal Extent End 2014-06-06

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