Data are molecular markers for describing phylogeographical structure of Zostera japonica. This dataset is not publicly accessible because: EPA does not have access to the data. It can be accessed through the following means: Contact Xiaomei Zhang, lead author. Format: No EPA generated data. All samples and analyses were conducted by co-authors.
This dataset is associated with the following publication:
Zhang, X., Y. Li, J. Kaldy, Z. Suonan, T. Komatsu, S. Xu, M. Xu, F. Wang, P. Liu, X. Liu, S. Yue, Y. Zhang, K. Lee, J. Liu, and Y. Zhou. Population genetic patterns across the native and invasive range of a widely distributed seagrass: Phylogeographic structure, invasive history and conservation implications. Diversity and Distributions. Blackwell Publishing Limited, Oxford, UK, 30(3): e13803, (2023).