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NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Total Solar Irradiance (TSI), NRLTSI Version 2.0 (Version Superseded)

Metadata Updated: November 2, 2023

Note: This dataset version has been superseded by a newer version. It is highly recommended that users access the current version. Users should only use this version for special cases, such as reproducing studies that used this version. This Climate Data Record (CDR) contains total solar irradiance (TSI) as a function of time created with the Naval Research Laboratory model for spectral and total irradiance (version 2). Total solar irradiance is the total, spectrally integrated energy input to the top of the Earth's atmosphere, at a standard distance of one Astronomical Unit from the Sun. Its units are W per m2. The dataset was created by Judith Lean (Space Science Division, Naval Research Laboratory), Odele Coddington and Peter Pilewskie (Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Science, University of Colorado). The daily- and monthly-averaged TSI data range from 1882 to the present, and annual-averaged TSI data begin in 1610. The data file format is netCDF-4 following CF metadata conventions. The dataset is accompanied by algorithm documentation, data flow diagram and source code for the NOAA CDR Program.

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Metadata Date September 18, 2023
Metadata Created Date February 3, 2023
Metadata Updated Date November 2, 2023
Reference Date(s) July 22, 2015 (publication)
Frequency Of Update notPlanned

Metadata Source

Harvested from ncdc

Graphic Preview

30 years of the 133+ year record of daily-averaged Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) produced for this Climate Data Record (CDR) (dark green) and its comparison to contemporary TSI measurements by the NASA SORCE mission.

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Date September 18, 2023
Metadata Created Date February 3, 2023
Metadata Updated Date November 2, 2023
Reference Date(s) July 22, 2015 (publication)
Responsible Party DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NCEI > National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce (Point of Contact); UCO/LASP > Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado (Point of Contact)
Contact Email
Guid gov.noaa.ncdc:C00828
Access Constraints Cite as: Odele Coddington, Judith L. Lean, Doug Lindholm, Peter Pilewskie, Martin Snow, and NOAA CDR Program (2015): NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Total Solar Irradiance (TSI), NRLTSI Version 2. [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. doi:10.7289/V55B00C1 [access date]., Distribution liability: NOAA and NCEI make no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding these data, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA and NCEI cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data. If appropriate, NCEI can only certify that the data it distributes are an authentic copy of the records that were accepted for inclusion in the NCEI archives., Use liability: NOAA and NCEI cannot provide any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of furnished data. Users assume responsibility to determine the usability of these data. The user is responsible for the results of any application of this data for other than its intended purpose.
Bbox East Long 180.0
Bbox North Lat 90.0
Bbox South Lat -90.0
Bbox West Long -180.0
Coupled Resource
Frequency Of Update notPlanned
Graphic Preview Description 30 years of the 133+ year record of daily-averaged Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) produced for this Climate Data Record (CDR) (dark green) and its comparison to contemporary TSI measurements by the NASA SORCE mission.
Graphic Preview File
Graphic Preview Type PNG
Harvest Object Id fa1393a3-d419-491c-b10d-36571f8d2957
Harvest Source Id 2cb3ef77-1683-4c2a-9119-dc65e50917c6
Harvest Source Title ncdc
Licence *Note: This dataset version has been superseded by a newer version. It is highly recommended that users access the current version. Users should only use this version for special cases, such as reproducing studies that used this version.*, For a complete description of use limiataions see the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document.
Lineage The data were produced by the Naval Research Laboratory and the University of Colorado, and are archived at the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Version 2 indicates the current version of the Naval Research Laboratory solar variability models, denoted NRLTSI2 and NRLSSI2, for total solar irradiance and solar spectral irradiance, respectively. This version labeling distinguishes the models from their original formulation, NRLTSI and NRLSSI (i.e,. Version 1, or original version). The Solar Irradiance Climate Data Record transitioned to the NOAA CDR program is specific to Version 2, although the original formulation of the model has created solar irradiance records used in many previous climate modeling studies, including for the IPCC.
Metadata Language eng; USA
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-180.0, -90.0], [180.0, -90.0], [180.0, 90.0], [-180.0, 90.0], [-180.0, -90.0]]]}
Progress completed
Spatial Data Service Type
Spatial Reference System
Spatial Harvester True
Temporal Extent Begin 1882-01-01
Temporal Extent End 2017-12-01

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