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National Corrections Reporting Program, 2005

Metadata Updated: November 28, 2023

The National Corrections Reporting Program gathers data on prisoners entering and leaving the custody or supervision of state and federal authorities. The dataset is comprised of four types of data: prisoners who were admitted to prison (Part 1), released from prison (Part 2), released from parole (Part 3), or in prison at year end (Part 4). The National Prison Statistics (NPS) program was established in 1926 by the Bureau of the Census in response to a congressional mandate to compile national information on the populations confined in correctional institutions. This program described the characteristics and counts of prison inmates during each calendar year. Since its initiation, responsibility for this program has shifted among several agencies -- in 1950 it was transferred to the Federal Bureau of Prisons and to the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration in 1971. Since 1972, the Bureau of Census, under agreement with the Department of Justice, has had responsibility for compiling the statistical data. Census staff negotiates directly with each state, assembles and edits the data, and prepares the data for analysis and publication.

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Restricted: This dataset can only be accessed or used under certain conditions. License: us-pd


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Metadata Created Date November 10, 2020
Metadata Updated Date November 28, 2023

Metadata Source

Harvested from DOJ JSON

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date November 10, 2020
Metadata Updated Date November 28, 2023
Publisher Bureau of Justice Statistics
Identifier 1081
Data First Published 2011-03-23T14:38:49
Language eng
Data Last Modified 2013-01-18T09:29:03
Rights These data are restricted due to the increased risk of violation of confidentiality of respondent and subject data.
Public Access Level restricted public
Bureau Code 011:21
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Collection Package Id c8245ed9-6e52-464a-aa0e-533c62272d76
Harvest Object Id 87e6ff43-a904-4a70-a4ba-2a0d31ae734c
Harvest Source Id 3290e90a-116f-42fc-86ac-e65521ef3b68
Harvest Source Title DOJ JSON
Program Code 011:061
Publisher Hierarchy Office of Justice Programs > Bureau of Justice Statistics
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash 4dad1f93e8fa6b6bea33b3ec3355bd7041087ecd3850b640ea44394d0cc88339
Source Schema Version 1.1

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