This dataset contains CRISM Multispectral Reduced Data Records (MRDRs). MRDRs are organized into 30 subdirectories named by the Mars Chart containing the MRDR, e.g. MC01. Latitude and longitude limits of Mars Charts are given below. An MRDR consists of several or more strips of multispectral survey data mosaicked into a map tile. Thus a map tile is constructed from a large number of TRDRs. The mosaic is uncontrolled (accepting existing pointing data often resulting in image mismatch at seams within a mosaic). The tile contains up to four images: radiance extracted from temporary TRDRs Lambert albedo summary products DDR data used to generate the first three images, augmented with additional positional information The MRDR also contains up to two text files, one listing the wavelengths present and ther other listing the SPICE metakernels used for map projection of each constituent observation on the tile. Each file has a separate label. For every latitude or longitude in an MRDR, there is a radiance and all the information providing traceability to through I/F to Lambert albedo corrected for atmospheric, photometric, and thermal emission effects, plus the information needed to reconstruct the map projection. A global pattern of 1964 such tiles is being used, forming the major data product for multispectral survey observations. Multiple MRDRs are in each of the 30 subdirectories.