Abstract ======== This data set consists of the MESSENGER XRS reduced data record (RDR) footprints which are derived from the navigational meta-data for each calibrated data record (CDR) whose FOV_STATUS is 1 or 3; that is, when the field of view intersects the planet and is either partially or entirely sunlit. Each XRS observation results in four X-ray spectra. When an X-ray interacts with one of the four detectors, a charge or voltage pulse is generated. This signal is converted into one of 2^8 (256) channels, which are correlated to energy. Over a commanded integration time period a histogram of counts as a function of energy (channel number) is recorded. The EDRs are the number of events in each channel of the four detectors accumulated over the integration period. Channels above or below the useful energy range of the detectors are not transmitted. The result is three 244-channel GPC histograms and one 231-channel solar monitor histogram, each of which is designated as a single X-ray spectrum. Each observation is calibrated and processed into the CDR data set. For each CDR whose field of view is contained or partially contained on the planetary surface, a footprint is computed that corresponds to the perimeter of the planetary region within the instrument field of view during the integration time of the observation.