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Mapped sealed and unsealed pavement and concentrations of metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and radionuclides for soils, pavement dust, and stream sediment for 10 urban watersheds

Metadata Updated: July 6, 2024

These data represent a one-time synoptic survey of sampled soils, pavement dust, and stream sediment in 10 urban watersheds in three regions of the United States (Pacific Northwest, northeast, and southeast) to evaluate sources of sediment and two groups of common urban contaminants: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and metals. Analyses of samples from six of the watersheds included fallout radionuclides to facilitate identification of sediment sources to the streams. Scripts used in R to test selected explanatory variables for the urban contaminants using Generalize Additive Models (GAMs) are included. The data release also includes Geographic Information System (GIS) spatial layers that were developed for the sediment sampling locations, the boundary of each associated watershed, and extents of parking lots identified as sealed or unsealed. These data were used to estimate area of sealed and unsealed pavement, both parking lots and driveways in residential neighborhoods in each watershed. The percentage of the watershed that was sealed pavement and the percentage of the sediment sample from pavement dust were used as explanatory variables in statistical models of PAH and metal concentrations in the streams. This data release includes two child items: 1) 4 data files containing the metals and PAH concentration data, radionuclide activity data, and pavement mapping statistics; a data dictionary describing the attributes in each data file; and R scripts and input files used for the GAM modeling; and 2) 3 GIS layers representing the sediment sampling locations, the associated watershed boundaries, and the parking lot aerial extents.

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: No license information was provided. If this work was prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person's official duties it is considered a U.S. Government Work.

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Metadata Created Date June 1, 2023
Metadata Updated Date July 6, 2024

Metadata Source

Harvested from DOI EDI

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date June 1, 2023
Metadata Updated Date July 6, 2024
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Identifier USGS:60106be3d34e162231fed100
Data Last Modified 20220110
Category geospatial
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 010:12
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 0d7e3363-368d-4726-9526-83973191f155
Harvest Source Id 52bfcc16-6e15-478f-809a-b1bc76f1aeda
Harvest Source Title DOI EDI
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial -130.0781,27.0591,-66.7969,49.838
Publisher Hierarchy White House > U.S. Department of the Interior > U.S. Geological Survey
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash c82d39e5a90eefbbb6820f6668bb8b65b8f25c76c484cc01d9f58701bc681e72
Source Schema Version 1.1
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": -130.0781, 27.0591, -130.0781, 49.838, -66.7969, 49.838, -66.7969, 27.0591, -130.0781, 27.0591}

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