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Locales 2016

Metadata Updated: October 21, 2024

This data layer produced by the National Center for Education Statistics’ (NCES) Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE) program provides a geographic locale framework that classifies all U.S. territory into twelve categories ranging from Large Cities to Remote Rural areas. NCES uses this framework to describe the type of geographic area where schools and school districts are located. The criteria for these classifications are defined by NCES, but they rely on standard geographic areas developed and maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau. The 2016 NCES Locale boundaries are based on geographic areas represented in Census TIGER/Line 2016. The NCES Education Demographic and Geographic Estimate (EDGE) program collaborates with the U.S. Census Bureau’s Education Demographic, Geographic, and Economic Statistics (EDGE) Branch to annually update the locale boundaries. For more information about the NCES locale framework, and to download the data, see: The classifications include:Large City (11): Territory inside an Urbanized Area and inside a Principal City with population of 250,000 or more.Midsize City (12): Territory inside an Urbanized Area and inside a Principal City with population less than 250,000 and greater than or equal to 100,000.Small City (13): Territory inside an Urbanized Area and inside a Principal City with population less than 100,000.Suburb – Large (21): Territory outside a Principal City and inside an Urbanized Area with population of 250,000 or more.Suburb - Midsize (22): Territory outside a Principal City and inside an Urbanized Area with population less than 250,000 and greater than or equal to 100,000.Suburb - Small (23): Territory outside a Principal City and inside an Urbanized Area with population less than 100,000.Town - Fringe (31): Territory inside an Urban Cluster that is less than or equal to 10 miles from an Urbanized Area.Town - Distant (32): Territory inside an Urban Cluster that is more than 10 miles and less than or equal to 35 miles from an Urbanized Area.Town - Remote (33): Territory inside an Urban Cluster that is more than 35 miles of an Urbanized Area.Rural - Fringe (41): Census-defined rural territory that is less than or equal to 5 miles from an Urbanized Area, as well as rural territory that is less than or equal to 2.5 miles from an Urban Cluster.Rural - Distant (42): Census-defined rural territory that is more than 5 miles but less than or equal to 25 miles from an Urbanized Area, as well as rural territory that is more than 2.5 miles but less than or equal to 10 miles from an Urban Cluster.Rural - Remote (43): Census-defined rural territory that is more than 25 miles from an Urbanized Area and is also more than 10 miles from an Urban Cluster.All information contained in this file is in the public domain. Data users are advised to review NCES program documentation and feature class metadata to understand the limitations and appropriate use of these data.

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: See this page for license information.

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Metadata Created Date April 16, 2024
Metadata Updated Date October 21, 2024

Metadata Source

Harvested from Education JSON

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date April 16, 2024
Metadata Updated Date October 21, 2024
Publisher National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
Identifier 38387280-9b17-496f-88ce-4698fd3144d6
Data First Published 2018-06-22T17:01:39.000Z
Data Last Modified 2024-10-19T12:48:25.456803
Category geospatial
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 018:15
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id fc03b079-7631-4be5-9404-4fc959b1f3b5
Harvest Source Id 2a5c4dd8-eda9-4f03-abc3-fff8cfb80fc6
Harvest Source Title Education JSON
Metadata Type geospatial
Program Code 018:000
Publisher Hierarchy U.S. Government > U.S. Department of Education > Office of the Secretary (OS) > Institute of Education Sciences (IES) > National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash 2954c5497f32a487e36ea16d71e28fbf4872c5f49828d6f1cc5252c2e387c824
Source Schema Version 1.1

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