Interagency Agreement (IAA) Routing and Tracking System
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Metadata Created Date | November 10, 2020 |
Metadata Updated Date | March 11, 2023 |
Metadata Source
- Data.json Data.json Metadata
Harvested from SSA JSON
Additional Metadata
Resource Type | Dataset |
Metadata Created Date | November 10, 2020 |
Metadata Updated Date | March 11, 2023 |
Publisher | Social Security Administration |
Maintainer | |
Identifier | US-GOV-SSA-404 |
Data Last Modified | 2014-04-17 |
Rights | The publishing of the data asset cannot be done due to one or more of the following reasons: contains personal identifying information, contains federal tax information, contains sensitive information, or a data assessment has not been completed. |
Public Access Level | non-public |
Bureau Code | 016:00 |
Schema Version | |
Catalog Describedby | |
Harvest Object Id | 2be343bb-d63a-4cac-83f4-20b22343ea55 |
Harvest Source Id | 9386406b-a7b0-4834-a267-0f912b6340db |
Harvest Source Title | SSA JSON |
License | |
Program Code | 016:000 |
Source Datajson Identifier | True |
Source Hash | 9d177c57e229acd7c712d93460ad3341175c317b |
Source Schema Version | 1.1 |
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