This data set includes 1-minute averages of the electric and magnetic wave spectra obtained during the period that the Galileo plasma wave receiver was operated during the electric field spectrum is the electric field spectral density in units of V^2/m^2/Hz. The magnetic field spectrum is provided in units of magnetic field spectral density, nT^2/Hz. The spectral information is averaged and binned into 49 logarithmically-spaced channels from about 6 Hz to 5.6 MHz for the electric measurements and 34 channels from about 6 Hz to 75 kHz for the magnetic. Note that these 'channels' do not generally correspond to the 158 specific channels described in the instrument description document. The reduction in spectral resolution for this data set was performed in order to make the set more conducive to use as a browse data set. The sources of this browse data set are the High Frequency Receiver, Sweep Frequency Receiver, and Spectrum Analyzer which make up the Low Rate Science portion of the PWS.