FOIA Information recent views
Frequently requested record, Chief FOIA Officer Reports, FOIA Quarterly Reports, and annual FOIA Reports are all available from FRTIB. Reports are available in a range of... -
Demographic Reports recent views
Demographic reports on TSP participant behavior and investment manager diversity are reported annually to Congress and available to the public via FRTIB’s Open Data Plan.... -
Participant Survey Reports recent views
The FRTIB conducts recurring surveys of the participants in the plan to help shape the future of the Plan. Aggregated analysis of the surveys is published public via as part of... -
Share Price Data recent views
Periodic reviews of plan offering competitiveness and share acquisition pricing is available via FRTIB’s Open Data Plan. Available data includes share price data in CSV format... -
FRTIB Financial Statements recent views
These reports provide annual statements on net assets available for benefits, outlines changes to the net assets available, and includes an independent auditor’s findings on the...