Experimental test of the intrinsic dimensionality of Hounsfield unit measurements: the CT data
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Image slices 1-100 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1-100 at 80kV. The file...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 101-200 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 101-200 at 80kV. The file...
Text FileTEXT
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Image slices 1301-1400 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1301-1400 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1401-1500 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1401-1500 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1501-1600 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1501-1600 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1601-1700 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1601-1700 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1701-1800 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1701-1800 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 201-300 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 201-300 at 80kV. The file...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 301-400 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 301-400 at 80kV. The file...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1801-1824 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 24 DICOM images depicting slices 1801-1824 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
READMEplain text
A summary of the data of this publication
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Text FileTEXT
Image slices 401-500 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 401-500 at 80kV. The file...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 501-600 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 501-600 at 80kV. The file...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 601-700 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 601-700 at 80kV. The file...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 701-800 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 701-800 at 80kV. The file...
Text FileTEXT
Substances TableCSV
A table listing the substances scanned, their positions, and the masses of...
Text FileTEXT
Image Slices TableTSV
A table describing each image slice giving the image filename, slice number,...
Text FileTEXT
DOI Access to Experimental test of the...HTML
DOI Access to Experimental test of the intrinsic dimensionality of Hounsfield...
Figure 4 DataTSV
The experimental values (illustrated in Fig. 4 in the paper) for the molar...
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The experimental setupJPEG
A photo of the arrangement of the vials in the CT scanner. Slice 1 is at the...
Image slices 801-900 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 801-900 at 80kV. The file...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 901-1000 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 901-1000 at 80kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1001-1100 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1001-1100 at 80kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1101-1200 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1101-1200 at 80kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1201-1300 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1201-1300 at 80kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1301-1400 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1301-1400 at 80kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1401-1500 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1401-1500 at 80kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1501-1600 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1501-1600 at 80kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1601-1700 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1601-1700 at 80kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1701-1800 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1701-1800 at 80kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1801-1824 at 80kVZIP
A zip file of the 24 DICOM images depicting slices 1801-1824 at 80kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1-100 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1-100 at 100kV. The file...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 101-200 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 101-200 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 201-300 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 201-300 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 301-400 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 301-400 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 401-500 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 401-500 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 501-600 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 501-600 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 601-700 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 601-700 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 701-800 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 701-800 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 801-900 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 801-900 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 901-1000 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 901-1000 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1001-1100 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1001-1100 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1101-1200 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1101-1200 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1201-1300 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1201-1300 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1301-1400 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1301-1400 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1401-1500 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1401-1500 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1501-1600 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1501-1600 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1601-1700 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1601-1700 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1701-1800 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1701-1800 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1801-1824 at 100kVZIP
A zip file of the 24 DICOM images depicting slices 1801-1824 at 100kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1-100 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1-100 at 120kV. The file...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 101-200 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 101-200 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 201-300 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 201-300 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 301-400 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 301-400 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 401-500 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 401-500 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 501-600 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 501-600 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 601-700 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 601-700 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 701-800 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 701-800 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 801-900 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 801-900 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 901-1000 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 901-1000 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1001-1100 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1001-1100 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1101-1200 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1101-1200 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1201-1300 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1201-1300 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1301-1400 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1301-1400 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1401-1500 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1401-1500 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1501-1600 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1501-1600 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1601-1700 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1601-1700 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1701-1800 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1701-1800 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1801-1824 at 120kVZIP
A zip file of the 24 DICOM images depicting slices 1801-1824 at 120kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1-100 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1-100 at 140kV. The file...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 101-200 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 101-200 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 201-300 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 201-300 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 301-400 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 301-400 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 401-500 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 401-500 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 501-600 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 501-600 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 601-700 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 601-700 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 701-800 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 701-800 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 801-900 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 801-900 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 901-1000 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 901-1000 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1001-1100 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1001-1100 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1101-1200 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1101-1200 at 140kV. The...
Text FileTEXT
Image slices 1201-1300 at 140kVZIP
A zip file of the 100 DICOM images depicting slices 1201-1300 at 140kV. The...
Landing PageLanding Page
Metadata Created Date | March 11, 2021 |
Metadata Updated Date | July 29, 2022 |
Metadata Source
- Data.json Data.json Metadata
Harvested from NIST
Additional Metadata
Resource Type | Dataset |
Metadata Created Date | March 11, 2021 |
Metadata Updated Date | July 29, 2022 |
Publisher | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Maintainer | |
Identifier | 6CBEE783B6972F21E0532457068129011925 |
Language | en |
Data Last Modified | 2018-05-18 |
Category | Metrology:Optical, photometry, and laser metrology |
Public Access Level | public |
Bureau Code | 006:55 |
Metadata Context | https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema/data.json |
Schema Version | https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema |
Catalog Describedby | https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema/catalog.json |
Harvest Object Id | f3690721-a31d-49f8-911f-b20b0a18eaad |
Harvest Source Id | 74e175d9-66b3-4323-ac98-e2a90eeb93c0 |
Harvest Source Title | NIST |
Homepage URL | https://data.nist.gov/od/id/6CBEE783B6972F21E0532457068129011925 |
License | https://www.nist.gov/open/license |
Program Code | 006:045 |
Source Datajson Identifier | True |
Source Hash | e7fd225ea2dcfd65c21bfbf61265ecc428997720 |
Source Schema Version | 1.1 |
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